Caring for injured or orphaned wildlife is a challenge. But with the new facility we are developing much more will be accomplished.
Sadly a baby wildebeest was recently orphaned was injured.

Zebra showing concern for injured baby wildebeest
We located the baby wildebeest in the bush this afternoon and the zebra were around him showing concern. He saw me and came up to me, somehow he knows we are trying to help him and he kept approaching us. We decided to try to hold him by his little horns again, and managed to do so.
The baby was quite docile so I inspected the wound. It needed to be cleaned which we attended to. It was fortunate that we were able to find him, without treatment he would have died an agonizing death. It would have been safer for him to have been homed inside a boma and should it rain, inside a stable.
We were eventually able to home him in a temporary boma but this was an emergency measure – we are now now developing a secure rehab facility.

Temporary canvas boma
We will now establish a safe rehab boma and stable for orphaned and/ or injured wildlife. We also aim to secure timeous professional assistance for future wildlife in need. Any support for this project would be greatly appreciated.