Suni-Ridge Org. ZA is actively involved in environmental and wildlife conservation in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.
We provide a flourishing habitat to an abundance of wildlife, including rare and protected species and want to encourage bush rehabilitation to increase the natural area for wildlife.
We are reaching out to the local communities to encourage them also to take ownership of the responsiblity for protecting our natural heritage .
In a nutshell, Suni-Ridge does the following:
- Protect wildlife
- Offer environmental education
- Involved in environmental rehabilitation
- False Bay School (see all related posts)
- Young Environmental Ambassador’s Course
Our involvement with local communities shows how they can benefit from Eco-tourism and to interact with (wild) animals in such ways that are beneficial to our wildlife and environment, while preserving their local cultural heritage.
Support Suni-Ridge Campaigns
The goal is to provide protection for wildlife in and around Suni-Ridge. Link sponsorships will help to cover the costs for a Wildlife Protection Unit and enable us to continue working with our neighbours to increase awareness of why it’s essential that we provide bone fide wildlife sanctuaries.
The goal is to provide education to local Zulu youths who have been identified as leaders in their communities and offer training on environmental and wildlife issues. These Young Environmental Ambassadors will also be equipped to inform their communities on sustainable methods of subsistence farming and water management (see YEA course programme).
False Bay School was established by Janet Cuthbertson in 1992. The goal of this campaign is to assist underprivileged primary school children with food, clothing and blankets, as well as sport equipment and educational toys and games. Many of these children are AIDS orphans and have to take care of their younger siblings. One of our goals is to set up an orphanage.