False Bay School – Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa

When we established Suni-Ridge in 1992, most of the workers at surrounding farms were very poor and no school had been established for their children. To provide a school for these children was to be our first community outreach priority.

Our first school building was situated in the premises of an old pineapple factory close to Suni-Ridge and volunteer teachers provided lessons for the children. Unfortunately we were given notice to move and we found ourselves unable to find other premises, so we borrowed a large South African Defense Force Tent and moved the school into this tent which we erected under a huge maroela tree. Continue reading

Sponsor SCHOOL Campaign

Support our Schools campaign goalsMost people in the developed world are fortunate to be able to lead stable and secure lives. In developing countries, the situation is different.

There are millions of people around the world who don’t have access to basic amenities, such as clean water, sanitation facilities, food and education.

This SCHOOL Campaign invites schools and school children from developed countries around the world to donate to the Zulu children at False Bay School, South Africa.

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